


Imagine a multinational company that is around for many years, having their headquarters in Europe and are represented in many territories all over the world. They have millions of consumers and a professional staff to support and train their customers. There are weekly gatherings of staff and customers to discuss the products and how to apply them. This company is centrally lead and has strict policies on their staff and customer behavior, ethics, information streams and product lifecycle management. The customers are happy with the products, even so that they pay a tenth of their income to company. This makes the company very profitable.

The products will last a customer life long and beyond! The professional staff seems to be a bit odd. The CEO and male staff wear long skirts and strange hats, usually on Sundays and the female staff is usually dressed in black. The dedication for the company on the staff requires that they do not marry so that they are not distracted in the execution of their jobs. The men seem to have a higher status then the women. They are prominent in any gathering with the clients. The females have a more submissive presence.

Now imagine that it becomes clear that male staff all over the world sexually abused little boys over many years. This could happen since the customer's children can have small jobs in the company too. This means that the male staff and the boys are together regularly. In case some information becomes public, the company will start a communication plan to mitigate the consequences. Usually first by denying it. One employee, confronted with a sexual abuse of a small boy, even used the same sentence that German soldiers used after the Second Worldwar:"Ich hab es nicht gewusst" (I did not know). The female staff is also accused of abusing and humiliating girls under their custody. Example is a subdivision of the company, that oddly is named after a prostitute, where female staff exploited girls. Sometimes these girls were at the companies disposal because they only looked pretty! It took a few years for the company to accept guild and they start compensating the victims.

In real life, this company would cease to exist. Customers would drop the company massively disgusted about the behavior of the staff. However, for some strange reason this company still exist. Maybe a little poorer but it is still there.

It is easy to recognize the Roman Catholic church in this example. It is still amazing that they get away with this. By paying off the victims they want to close this as soon as possible. Church money is used to pay for sex just for staff that should be celibate. This happens when you messing with one of the most strongest force in human and animal life. People and animals want to propagate. Nature (not God) gave us genetic components that enable is to breed and multiply. Maslov's pyramid  places sex in the same level as breathing, need for water and food. Celibacy is a recipe for disaster.

Beaukey's suggestion: release the ban on sexuality in the Roman Catholic church. Let them have sex with each other or provide prostitutes. Maybe just let them marry (by the same or the other sex) to experience the same day-by-day experiences as their laity. Do not mess around with the strongest force of people and animals. It has been proven that it does not work or serve any purpose.

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